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I am most myself when I am centered in a creative space. I see and feel the world differently. I am more open, more grateful, more passionate. I remain more aware of the wonder that surrounds me. Reading transports me both far away and deep within. Crochet is my meditation. It soothes the rough edges of my busy days. Please join me as I share the pages I have been turning and the yarn I have been hooking this week.


I am so grateful to again connect with the wonderful community of knitters and crocheters Ginny gathers together with her yarn along each week.


soft light

look book

this is my latest sample, a wide lacy cuff with a simple button closure. i’ve already had an order for one in a yummy milk chocolate brown

My crochet hook has been flying through yarn fast and furious this week! My seedling of a business, Cedar Tree Crochet, is keeping me mighty busy. (Do you like my new product labels?) As of yet, I still have no website and am still debating Etsy or no Etsy. This is all completely uncharted territory for me and I am purposefully taking time to meditate on these important decisions. I want to be sure that any decisions I make will move me forward in a way that feels really good and gets me excited. When this idea to work creatively first sparked in my mind, I had a vision of myself creating and nurturing personal relationships with local shop owners — driving from store to store, showing them my latest works and selling items on consignment. My intuition is telling me that it might be the right time to sink roots in creative ground with other creative spirits. These thoughts make my heart skip a beat… I am beginning to very quietly hope that I will someday be able to make my living working creatively. My heart would just about pop if I could manifest such an amazing life for myself and for my family.

Until my business plan unfolds more completely, my friends and word of mouth are keeping new orders rolling in. I am slowly trying to build up a repertoire of go-to designs that will be the foundation of my business. As quickly as each new piece finds its way to my wrist someone asks if I can make one for them. (Yay!) Eventually, I would also like to be able to fulfill special orders for occasions like weddings and christenings, but for now I am most called to lacy vintage inspired accessories. I’m loving making bracelets and am thinking that I might try a headband (maybe like this one) next. The Boho in me is stirring.

I, in a frenzy of creative energy, decided that I needed a place to collect all of my inspiration and designs right now. So I whipped up a “look book.” Inside this simple brown paper scrapbook is the essence of Cedar Tree Crochet. All of my carefully collected images that have been tucked away in an anonymous computer folder are now printed and organized so that I can go for a stroll with them, with my dear familiar friends. I am now able pause to appreciate a new detail or a new feeling stirred by something beautiful within this collection of pretty bits and pieces. I also have collected all of my resources for the designs that have been successful so far, labeled and organized all of my yarn samples and printed pictures of all of my sample items to date. I want this book to be the place I go to when I need inspiration — what I am working towards — but I equally want this book to be a place where I can go to enjoy what I have accomplished so far. Last year this time I was just learning my very first stitches! There are still oh, so many blank pages to be filled. There is so much potential in these empty spaces.

As for reading, I have actually found a little time to make progress in An Object of Beauty. (My hands can only crochet for so many hours in a day!) I’m still in love with Steve Martin and his sassy style of writing. He is the perfect combination of snark and wonder. I’m hoping to finished this book by summer… if I can find the time. Ha!


My mind quiets and my well fills when I am engaged with a good book or when my hands are busy creating something beautiful. If you feel moved to share what you have been reading or creating, please leave a link in the comments below so we may revel in each other’s creative pursuits.